Direct Primary Care Doctor

Dr. Kristamarie Collman is a double board-certified family medicine doctor and author of Glow up your life: the RX for looking and feeling good from the inside out. Leveraging her professional background and medicine paired with a natural flair for beauty and style, Dr. Kristamarie takes a holistic approach in helping professional women to enhance their lives.
Beyond the doctor's office, Dr. Kristamarie is a vivacious social media influencer that has captured the hearts of thousands around the Country with her aspirational style, wellness advice, and inspirational pep talks. She is the co-founder of Young Lady Watching, Inc. a non-profit organization empowering underrepresented minority women pursuing healthcare-related careers to reach their full potential through mentoring, education, and leadership development. Additionally, Dr. Kristamarie holds a position as assistant professor of Family Medicine at the University of Central Florida, College of Medicine.
Dr. Kristamarie is Board Certified by the American Board of Family Medicine, specializing in preventative health, nutrition and weight management. She is a diplomat of the American Board of Obesity Medicine and provides care to patients in the Outpatient and Urgent Care settings.
She is currently located in Orlando, FL, and is the founder and CEO of Prose Medical & Wellness, a concierge medical practice providing personalized primary care and wellness services.
Dr. Collman's Interview with Allure

Dr. Collman's Interview with NPR

Dr. Collman Speaking About Using TikTok to Spread Vaccine Awareness

Young Lady Watching, Inc.

Young Lady Watching is a Non-Profit that focuses on empowering underrepresented minority women who are pursuing healthcare-related careers to reach their full potential through mentoring, uh, education, scholarship opportunities and leadership development.
Dr. Collman Speaking About Covid19 Vaccine

Download Dr. Kristamarie's Social Media Planner Template

Dr. Kristamarie's personal website:
Dr. Kristamarie's Social Media Planner FREE DOWNLOAD HERE
TikTok: @drkristamarie
Listen to the Episode Here:
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------------------------- TRANSCRIPT*
Welcome to the podcast Dr. Coleman. Hi there.
I'm excited to be here.
Thanks so much for having me. It is such an honor to talk with you again earlier this summer, you and I had shared the stage at the DPC summit in Kansas city. And so I love, I love, love, love that this is another space for you to share a little bit more of your story with the audience, especially for those who weren't able to make it.
So I wanted to start with the fact that you. Have said it, you know, even in your intro that you wanted to practice where you could feel free to practice as you wanted to. When we think about that, I wanna go into a little bit more of your background and your history, because one of the things that, you've created is young lady watching, which is a nonprofit, Geared towards helping other women, you know, realize their value and realize, the possibilities are endless in these lives of ours.
And so, I I would love if you could share with us your experience as a woman, as a woman in medicine, and as a woman who inspires and mentors others on this journey, we call life.
Sure. So as a woman in medicine and you know, I'll be honest, it's been a long journey. and at times it's been very, very lonely.
It's been lonely and it's been challenging. but it's also been filled with a number of highs and winds and good things along the way. as I'm sure many other. Women, you know, may have experienced, um, just a number of, of frustrations and challenges starting from when they were younger. Um, high school college into medical school and residency.
for myself, I dealt a lot with imposter syndrome. I dealt a lot with, uh, advisors and people telling me that I would never become a doctor, that this wasn't the path for me. What was my plan B. Plan C, that they just really didn't believe in the string that I had. And so I had to do a lot of, um, fighting and find dedication deep down, within, and drive to just keep going
through tho those personal stories. I was brave enough to share those, um, those stories on social media and by sharing those stories and those experiences, I was able to create and build a very small community of others who related to those same stories of others who related to. People asking, oh, are you the doctor?
Even though I have a white coat on and I have a badge that says MD or doctor, people, you know, asking when's when's the doctor coming in, um, and so forth. So by sharing these stories, we created this community and it really resonated with people. And so that, you know, leads into a little bit. With social media.
And again, it leads into why I wanted to start young lady watching. Right. actually started it with a good friend and colleague of mine. the mission of young lady watching is really to empower underrepresented minority women who are pursuing. Care related careers to, um, reach their full potential through mentoring, uh, education and leadership development, because these were a few things that we didn't have on our journey.
Um, the goal is to increase. The presence of minority women in various areas of healthcare. Um, just by trying to remove some of those barriers, right. we've heard statistics, we know the numbers for women in medicine. especially for black women in medicine.
there. Shockingly low. I mean, we're talking single digits here. So an organization such as young lady watching is needed, And you know, again, just by providing this support through mentorship and scholarship opportunities to also ease financial strain, um, and just provide a lot of support.
Because as I mentioned, these were just things that myself and the co-founder we didn't have on our path. To medicine and to becoming doctors.
Absolutely. And you know, everyone has their why, and it's because of people's whys, that beautiful things are created. And so, you know, the fact that you've created a young lady watching with your friend with the purpose specifically of targeting those women who are underrepresented groups, , in medicine.
We'll continue to compound and compound and compound over time because every person that is involved is going to mentor another person, whether that be, you know, a few words of encouragement or long term mentorship. And with you sharing how lonely the journey can be, It was, it was heartbreaking to hear, because I can relate to that when other people around you, will suggest other careers other than your dream, because of the, , beliefs that they have about you.
And so that's so wonderful, that you guys have created this program. And I definitely will say we will add a link to young lady watching and mention the scholarship opportunities on Dr. Coleman's accompanying blog. So if you wanna know him more information, please go ahead and check that out on my DPC
as you went from this place of believing in yourself and growing from there, why did you decide on primary care? So
I decided on primary care during third year medical school, between third and fourth year, because I really loved everything.
Right. That's always, always the response. You loved a little bit of everything. and I was very, uh, I was inspired by another, uh, one of my faculty, uh, advisors in my medical school who was also a primary care physician. so I knew that it was an opportunity for me to. Do a little bit of procedures in the office to do a little bit of preventative care, which is a big thing for me.
and I also loved the lifestyle that I saw for some of the doctors that I shadowed. Um, so that's how I ended up coming into primary care.
Amazing. And, you know, I hope that especially as people see direct primary care physicians like yourself in practice, They will see, not only the joy of being a primary care physician and being a relationship based doctor, but also the joy that DPC brings.
So with that, I want to ask you, how did you even find out about DPC?
I did attend one of the DPC conference probably two years ago. And that was where I got my feet wet. Um, and then even before then I spoke with a few DPC doctors, some big names in the DPC world, and I said, okay, This is cool, but I'm still not too sure about it.
I'm kind of comfortable in this, you know, position here, but I'll just keep watch. And after I attended the conference, I was like, I gotta take the leap. I gotta take the leap because my livelihood and happiness and desire to continue practicing medicine depends on.
and sadly, that is a, an experience and a feeling that many of us can relate to.
So I wanna ask there, when you talked about in your intro about how you were an employed physician, and then you went to this conference and you were like, this is it. This is the way I have to practice medicine in the future. What was your transition like? Did you transition right away after that conference?
Or did you plan while employ. Right. So I did, I planned
a little bit, um, I was full time. At that time I was, uh, living in Atlanta and then my partner and I decided to move temporarily, uh, to Virginia for a short, a short while. while in Virginia, Returned to employed position, but then I went part-time and while I was doing part-time, I was also doing more research for DPC and planning.
How once we finished our short stay in Virginia, then I would make that leave into DPC, wherever we'd move to afterwards.
and when you were researching DPC, in addition to talking to fellow mentors, what types of resources did you find extremely helpful?
There were a few books on Amazon that I read. but the most helpful honestly, was talking to physicians, finding out. What are some of the basics that I need to make sure I have and take care of right now in order to start this right. what are the funds going to look like? What is your day to day look like?
Um, what are your gripes? Right? Because no job is a hundred percent. We're always a hundred percent happy. Right? What. Are some of the things that make you happy in your job? What are some of the things that bother you right now, um, in your office? But I, I, like I said, the biggest help for me was talking directly to physicians who were in practices that I aspire to.
I, I love that advice, making the most of talking with other physicians. And for me, it definitely aligns with your experience through, that loneliness that you had described. And also, you know, the, the antidote to that loneliness is building a tribe around you. and so finding the people who have practices like you, who practice medicine, like you who have the same dreams, you know, in terms of what it means to have balance in their life. With family time with practice time, et cetera, to find kindred spirits is so important.
And that's why things like the DPC summit are so important to attend because you don't know who you're gonna meet. I keep saying that over and over, because that is so true. And it happens to me every time I meet someone new, everywhere I go at one of those summits. So with that said, I, I wanna ask about, as you were talking with physicians, as you were dreaming and planning, what did your ideal DPC look like?
So ideally it looked like, small to medium sized, if we're thinking about the big gr you know, big scheme of things, myself and another physician at some point, You know, the patient panel size maybe ranging between two 50 to 300 ideally serving. People from my community, small business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals who have insurance and those who don't have insurance, um, really being able to provide care to those who, value their health and their wellness.
, and those who are open to a new model of care, because as we know. This is it's, it's not new. It's been around for years, but it's new to the people, right? The people are, are used to a different, uh,
to insurance based care. Amen to that. I absolutely agree there. Now you shared how you were, in Virginia and then you were gonna see, you know, what unfolded in terms of where you were going to practice.
So how did you decide on moving to the Orlando area? And can you share how it was for you to be in a place where you had not practiced before, when you opened your DP? Sure
it was a mix of emotions. Oh my goodness. It was
exciting and scary.
So we decided on Orlando, it was a joint decision between myself and, and my partner.
we had been here before I did my residency. Here in Florida, but not in Orlando. Uh, and so I said, you know, we'd like to go to a major city where there's diverse population. There's lots of things to do for young professionals. And that's how we came about with Orlando. It's growing, it's thriving.
And again, it just has a lot of young professionals here, but coming to a city where. You're not known where you have no patient base where you essentially have to start from scratch is scary. It is scary. but again, doing research, talking to people I'd known that it was done before, and if it was done before, I certainly can do it again.
Would it be as, easy as 1, 2, 3? No, definitely will take a lot of work and a lot of hitting the pavement, but it's, it's doable.
in terms of when you moved to Orlando, did you have other DPC physicians in Orlando that you could talk with? Or did you also talk with other health and wellness, related professionals?
Both with both. Um, I had conversations on both sides and that was also helpful. Um, I reached out to other networks, people I'd met online groups that I'm a part of online as well. and they were able to provide. A few resources. Um, but I knew a lot of the work would be on myself to get out into the community, to reach out to other physicians, cold, cold, reaching out, uh, to other physicians, cold reaching out to businesses and really try to get my name known.
when you were cold reaching out, how did you manage that? What did that look like Well,
when we moved here, it was the middle of the pandemic. So, you know, Florida's different. There was no pandemic in Florida.
However, when we came here, we, we still understood that there was a pandemic. And so it involved a little bit of, you know, there was some going out, trying to meet people face to face, but the majority of it happened online. Um, I joined. And reached out to small business groups. with, for example, score here, tried to get involved with other lead groups and again, on Facebook groups, um, just sending people messages also on social media, sending people, messages in their, in their DMS.
That's what it, it looked like for me.
Gotcha. And I definitely wanna hit hard on social media and your experience and your expertise there. But I wanna ask a few more questions in regards to your practice. So When you were looking for a physical space, were you always determined to have a space or did you ever consider doing telemedicine and then transitioning to a physical space later on?
So when we first moved here, I started off virtual. I started offering my services virtually and, that provided just a comfortable. Stepping stone before saying, okay. I'd like to get a physical space. As people started reaching out to me for services. Also came along the question, well, where's your office located?
And once I started hearing more of where's your office located? I said, you know, maybe it's time for me to look into a space. I didn't want to get a huge space because again, still growing, still, getting my footing in the city, but to find a small space where you're able to. Do your work practice medicine.
And we all know in order to practice medicine, you don't need a huge space. Right? You can do a lot from one room.
Yes, absolutely true. And it's so inspiring to remind people of that when they see photos of people's offices, where it's just a one room space. And, even how successful people who are doing telemedicine with home visits.
Without a brick and mortar success is also very possible in DPC, but I love that you trans. Positioned, after getting your feet wet and you and I opened it around the same time. So I really love, and I feel all of those words to my bones because you know, the, the things that change and you don't know that they need to change early on, really become apparent as your practice grows.
So, as you were growing, as you were reaching out to the community, how did your practice grow? Like who were the patients joining your practice? So people that
were joining my practice included small business owners. this was very attractive to them because I might hear a lot about the cost of insurance premiums and they just, at that point they were going without any sort of healthcare.
Uh, so you know, business owners and then also millennial. Younger younger individuals, um, younger working individuals, who, again, they valued their, their wellness, their health. Um, they had seen me or they followed me on social media and they happened to be in the state of Florida. So those were some of my initial patients.
Awesome. And I hope three of your new patients happen from my cousin who works at SeaWorld because I told him about your practice. And he was like, wait a minute. So. And then he went into all the DPC questions and I was like Uhhuh and she's right here. And so I hope that, you know, some more millennials come your way, but yeah, it's absolutely interesting how each community attracts different types of people.
And so, especially for you, like with people coming there, seasonally, I could easily see how millennials when they're sick and. At home, can get very frustrated with the local urgent care scene. so amazing. And in terms of your space, I just wanna go back there.
Are you renting it, are, did you buy it outright?
So, yes. I decided that I wanted to rent initially, uh, again, to see how things go. Um, I, you know, envisioned slow growth, which
is to be expected.
Um, and I didn't want to feel as though I was.
You know, tied down to, um, a, a space for years to come. Um, so initially renting right now, which I think has been, uh, the best choice for me.
I think back on Dr. John Jacobson, when he said, why buy what you can rent, why rent, what you can steal. And going into that second category, I think is very, smart to figure out if you like, you know, especially if you're not starting out brick and mortar, if you like going brick and mortar, if
the space is gonna work for how you need it to work for your patients. And it gives you the time to grow income. So if you want to build your own place, buy a place, et cetera, just like you have transitioned from telemedicine to then offering brick and mortar, as well as telemedicine. You. The, the possibilities are endless.
What are some of the, the workflows that you've realized needed changes and how have you changed those?
I did end up bringing on an assistant, because initially I was getting a lot of phone calls and while I was trying to balance other areas O other business owner things, I wasn't able to always get back to the phone calls to calling patients. Uh, so getting an assistant was very helpful.
Someone who is just able to. Call back, patients letting them know, you know, the website where they can get more information, setting up, meeting greets if that's, uh, needed now was, was very important to me. And helped a lot, with getting new patients.
How do meet and greets work in your practice at pros, medical and wellness.
So I love the meet and greet or what I also call an introductory visit, option because many times when, as we all know, when you're, you're going to the doctor, you don't get the opportunity to meet your doctor before you have your appointment.
So that's what I look at these meet and greets as, um, opportunities for the patients to get to know me, for me to get to know the patients and for a see were a good fit together. And that's what I explain to them. I allocate about. 20 to 30 minutes, for these appointments. And I have, uh, a site where the patients can actually go on there and they book it and set it up themselves and we sit and we chat and if they decided this is a good fit for them then we move forward from there.
Amazing. Now I wanna hit on branding because you, you have your branding for your clinic, but you also have your branding with regards to Dr. Chris Marie and your social media platform. And so I'm wondering if you could share a high level view. Your thoughts on branding when a person is developing their branding and how to craft their branding so that it continues to so that they continue to stay on brand going into the future.
So that's a great question and a few things to, to consider when it comes to, you know, your personal brand and also just a brand for your business.
Um, you want to keep in mind your goals and your mission. So your personal goals, uh, the goals and mission for the business. And you wanna make sure that your thoughts or your actions moving forward, or reflective of those goals. Uh, you also want to think about, um, obviously. The pretty, pretty aspects of it, the photo, the imagery.
And you wanna make sure that those are reflective of your brand as well, too. Um, in terms of especially colors, uh, you wanna make sure that when people see, you know, certain colors, uh, certain photos or imagery, that they can connect that to you and to your business,
such helpful thoughts and.
advice, for people who especially opening their clinics. Now on that I wanna ask because you have Dr. Chris as well as, and wellness. How do you decide what goes on pros, medical, and wellness, and what goes on your personal branding?
I try to keep the two in a sense, separate, but. With the same understanding that when people are considering the practice, when they're considering pros, medical, and wellness, they also want to get to know the person behind the practice, right. They wanna get to know me, um, on the social media page for pros medical.
If you check it out, , you will see a variety of posts that are really showcasing. Some of the practice benefits that we see for direct primary care practices. Um, And you'll also see more. So, uh, some medical and health information on the Dr. Kristen Marie side. If you go to that page and you visit it, you get a, another mix and another splash of , colorful, post just showcasing.
Who Dr. Christ Marie is you get a little bit of pros in there, but you also get some of the, the other aspects that make me who I am, right. Make me who I am, who I, who I've become into today. Right. You get to find out a little bit about my personal journey. Um, as a woman in medicine, you get to find out some of the things that I like when it comes to, I don't know, fashion and, and skincare and beauty.
You get a little bit of the wellness and, and health aspects and just how to, you know, stay healthy and, and my saying how to just glow from the inside out. So when I, those are some of the things I think about when I'm saying I'm gonna share this to pros, to the pros, medical, social media, or I'm gonna share this to the, the Dr.
Chris Marie social media.
How do you balance the time for patients as well as managing your social media accounts?
Yeah, somehow it's a, a little juggling act and honestly, things just flow flow nicely.
I try not to. Focus my life on strictly creating content. Right. Um, I try to. Have my content revolve around my life in a sense. So when I'm in the practice, if I, um, have, you know, if I've experienced something that day, whether it's a personal experience or through a conversation with a, a colleague or a patient, I think to myself, what's, you know, maybe there's a lesson here or maybe there's something else that I could share with someone, with someone out there who would benefit from it.
Oh, that would be a great social media post. Then I take that, that experience and I say, okay, I'm gonna just share a brief, something brief on it. I have also just over time, I've learned to not, pressure myself so much into having, you know, into feeling like I have to share every single aspect of my life, every single aspect of, you know, the practice itself and.
Like I said, if if I believe that someone is going to get something or some benefit out of sharing it, then I will post it to the social media page or to the stories or, or something just to share that experience with, with others. But really it's a, a balancing game.
And do you block time in your schedule to do patient care or admin stuff or social media?
I certainly do I have blocks. That's how I, I am a schedule person. I have my planner. I have a calendar on the computer too, and I like blocks. Um, so I do each week. I, I do have an admin day, , where I've blocked off set time to make sure I I've caught up with patient charts.
And with. Just business aspects for the practice. And then I also block out specific times to, even just jot down thoughts for posts, for creating content. , it's very important for me to make sure that I, I block out time for those things.
And what is your advice for people who are just getting started with social media? Especially if it's social media for their clinic, because a lot of people have experience with social media in terms of like family albums on Facebook or whatnot. But if they're branching into social media for their clinic, what would you recommend doing first?
I would recommend choosing one platform that you feel comfortable with and trying to remain consistent with that one platform. Right. We have a plethora of options to choose from today, Each time we blink an eye. There's a new platform coming out. There's something else that's available to get our attention and grab our attention.
from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, YouTube shorts, TikTok, TikTok, shorts, everything out there. And if you try to be present on all of them at one time, you're gonna be exhausted and you're not going to be able to reach the people who you wanna reach. So I would start by choosing one platform that you feel comfortable.
Start by choosing one form of, the way that you would like to share your information that you feel comfortable with. So whether that's by post a photo or in caption creating video, if you feel comfortable with video content and then moving forward with that and trying to come up with a schedule that will allow you to be consistent, whether that's posting or sharing information twice a week, once a week.
Every other day, you choose what feels right. And what feels good for you.
And something that I wanna highlight that you and Dr. Gupta had talked about during our presentation at the summit is the fact that even sharing posts that have already been created by other people is a way to engage if you are wanting engagement, but you don't necessarily have more time to engage.
Yes, correct. That's another, that's an excellent way to still stay on brand, to share information, and to also collaborate with others, right?
, it's a way to hit all of those, those stones at once. And to take some pressure off of you. If you see a great post out there that's already created, uh, you like the imagery you feel as though it could benefit others and it's on brand. Why not share it? Why not share it?
Now you have taken your social media to the next level because you have not only done social media for your brand, for your clinic, but also you have done social media to work and engage with other brands. And so this is, this is the, the that really highlighted your skills and your expertise during the DPC summit.
But can you share about how you started working with brands and how that has morphed into a part of your social media presence?
Yes. So, you know, I started working with brands a few years ago and, um, it really was just. Finding and connecting with companies online, uh, that I. That I had already where I was already using their products.
Um, one of the very, very first companies that I started working with, um, was a health and wellness, uh, company. And I, I purchased their pro I'd been purchasing their products for years. Okay. Another company, uh, was a clothing, an apparel company. And again, I'd been wearing their stuff already for, for years.
So it. Pretty easy. Um, I'd say to find some common grounds, um, in connecting with the companies online and trying to just share their messages, because obviously these are companies I use. These are companies that I would VO I could vouch personally vouch for, um, and sharing their, their messaging and branding, uh, with others who I felt could benefit from it.
I love that because your high level advice was if somebody's getting started, just start with one. And now you're, you're building on that by encouraging people to start with what they know and what they already love and use.
So I wanna ask there when you're working. Brands. And in your case, multiple brands, how do you keep it all organized in terms of if different brands are working with you all at once and they have different deadlines, different requirements, mm-hmm, different types of posts, reels versus, um, you know, just, just regular, still photos. How do you keep it all organized?
Yeah, that's a, a great question. Sometimes I ask myself that too. Uh, but like I mentioned, I am a calendar girl and I also have a spreadsheet, um, a handy dandy, simple spreadsheet where I keep. The names of the brands that I'm currently working with. Um, I keep names of brands who maybe I've reached out to in the past.
Um, who've reached out to me and maybe a partnership didn't work out. I just keep track of all of those things. So I would recommend finding, you know, for someone who's interested in working with brands and companies on, especially online or in the social media space, uh, to make sure you have a way to keep track of the brands who you're working with.
Um, and also in my spreadsheet, In addition to the brands I'll include deadlines, I'll include deliverables. Um, are they looking for a static or an image post? Are they looking for videos real? Are they looking for stories? Have, has a contract already been sent out? Has it been returned? I, I keep a spreadsheet detailing all of those things and, um, to help everyone out there, who's thinking about, you know, working with a brand, I actually created just a, a simple template that I think would be really helpful, to keep track of brands that you work with or that you even reach out to and so freebie, and you can check it out, uh, using the link that we'll share.
And for those of you who might be looking for the link, just go to Dr. Christ Marie's blog on my DPC and you'll find the link there for the, for the download. It's extremely helpful. And I think it's very comprehensive. So definitely check that out now,
as you continue to work with brands, how do you adjust your value in terms of what jobs you take? What, you know, if, if you're negotiating, how do you represent your value appropriately? So you get compensated appropriately, because the more, you know, engagements you have, the more you're known out there, the more that you are highlighting a product.
You know, , that was something I, I struggled with initially when I was working with brands, I was, you know, evaluating and assessing my value. Um, thinking about how much, uh, To negotiate, what's considered an appropriate compensation.
And over time I've had to learn that, that we in this space, especially as physicians, uh, we have a lot to bring to the table when working with these brands, um, we are bringing our. 10 12, 15 plus years of education. we're bringing a lot to the table, uh, compared to some of the other, uh, individuals that a lot of, of brands and companies may work with.
So I started, I obviously took that into account. Um, I started taking into account. My, the growth of my social media platforms. And so as I continued to grow, that also added some value and I started to look at the number of brands that were reaching out to me. Um, so I took those things into account and I still take those things into account when I'm negotiating with a with brands, uh, to make sure that I feel as though I'm getting fairly compensated.
Um, again, you also want to make sure you're. Properly evaluating your time, right? Because your time really is your money. You think for myself? I would, I think about my hourly rate. Um, I think about all of the hats that I'm wearing when I'm working with brands. So , you are creating the content, but you're also, the makeup artist.
You're the wardrobe artist. You are the videographer, you're the, um, the editor, you are wearing a lot of hats and it can take some time. So you want to, again, just. put some good value onto, uh, the time that you will be dedicating when you're working with the brands.
I love this. And this is why I think that people should really, you know, check out young lady watching just because you come from such a place of expertise and you have learned by doing, and you are versed in clinical medicine, social media, being an independent, woman.
Who has had people not believe in her, in her journey. And so I just love that you've gone full scope and you've created a platform for other people to help other people learn through your experiences and the experiences of other, the other mentors. So just love that. Um, now.
When I talk about mentorship, one of the things that I wanna highlight is you've worked with a coach before. And so this is something that I've seen a lot of chatter about recently in regards to why I work with a coach. what would I look for in a coach? when you think about your experience with a coach, how did you decide that a coach was right for you and what do you recommend to other people?
If they're looking for a coach, whether that be for business or for personal, life coaching?
Yeah. So a few things to, uh, consider, you know, if you are thinking about a coach is obviously you want to, um, make sure this is someone who you trust. Um, this is someone who is going to be supportive and, and just positive, uh, for your goals.
But most importantly, you wanna make sure that they have. Okay. you wanna make sure that they, that there's proof in whatever it is that, you all have decided you're going to work towards, or that they are promising you the end goal. Have they done it before? Have they walked the walk before. Um, do they have proof of this that they can show you and, and share with you?
Uh, what's their knowledge base, uh, those things, some of those things are important, especially if you're considering working with a coach,
very valuable, especially because we are in a very. Currently small niche, but we mm-hmm are growing, but it's like the, the ability to understand DPC. Like I highlight, you know, there's there's lawyers and then there's lawyers who are familiar with DPC there's coaches, and then there's coaches who are familiar with being a physician in DPC so I think that those are really Sage words for people to consider because, um, especially if it is a business coach relationship and it, it blooms into somebody that is amazing, as a coach for you, then that, you know, that relationship could continue on for a, quite a while.
Definitely. Definitely. Um, and it's, again, you mentioned it's a very niche space and as physicians, you know, it can be someone sees us and they wanna work with us. They're looking at us and they see dollar signs. Right. So again, you wanna make sure that you're protecting yourself. Um, and you're just doing the appropriate research.
Fantastic. Now, in closing, because you have all of this experience, you, you shared how you became a doctor, how you created a nonprofit, how you created your own clinic, how you have expanded on social media and continue to do so if a person.
Is really identifying with your experience and now going into DPC, what words of encouragement would you have for those people?
Yes. So I would, I would tell them to believe in yourself, know that it's possible can be done. Take it one step at a time. Right. You will be, or you, you may feel inundated with a number of things to do a number of things to read.
Just so much out there, but take it one step at a time. And each, each time you take that step where you take that action, cross it off your list. And remember that some seasons will be slow, but in the slow seasons, continue. Planting the seeds and you will reap the harvest later on. I promise.
Thank you so much, Dr.
Christ, Marie, for joining us today and sharing all of these words of wisdom with the audience.
Thank you so much for having me. I enjoyed it and I hope that everyone was able to, get something out of our conversation.
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