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Direct Primary Care, to me, is the ONLY way through which healthcare can be saved in the US. The My DPC Story podcast is taking the airwaves by storm as it features the stories of the physicians who are each reclaiming medicine in their own way under the DPC umbrella. The podcast has not only been an inspiration to other physicians and aspiring physicians, it is a major resource of information for people learning about DPC and how to join the movement. Soon, we will also be featuring stories from DPC patients as well so that DPC docs can refer their patients to the pod site to hear about DPC from other individuals!

~ Maryal Concepcion, MD AAFP
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As the My DPC Story podcast grows, the DPC ecosystem grows with it! That said, the mission of the podcast is to ensure we are bringing relevant, high-quality, inclusive DPC content to the airwaves. We are excited to offer an affiliate sponsorship option to those people and organizations who are in alignment with our mission and who want to support the pod and the awareness of DPC. 


Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you may have or to set up a meeting to chat more about the pod! ~Maryal

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